Acceleration and speed
We have dedicated vehicles for special rescue missions that involve high speed response and acceleration. Our experts can customize each vehicle as per the clients’ requirements. Extra fittings and additional installations are provided to make the rescue missions successful. We make sure that `no major injuries are sustained due to negligence on our part. Saving lives depends on the speed and accuracy of our vehicles and equipment. We do not believe in compromises of quality.

The engine
Our engines are the best in front line vehicles used for fire fighting. We cannot make any adjustments in the technical expertise or design of the engine.. The engine has to be in perfect condition always. This is one factor that we cannot compromise on. The efficiency of the engine is what determines how effective the rescue operation will be. Make sure that your engine is in perfect condition before starting any operation.


Engine work
High quality precision and customization in design to meet the customer expectation. Each engine is specifically tested and certified by authorized personnel. Providers of the best engines in the country.


Rescuing people is our mission and we are the best in this industry. We are committed to delivering exceptional service to all our customers. With years of experience and expertise, our professionals have managed to bring forth the best fire fighting vehicles available throughout the country. Contact us for further information.